Thanks to the partnership with IOP Publishing, the submission and management of technical papers will be managed through the Morressier platform.

Access the TORQUE2024 event at the link below.

Abstract submission
is closed

  • Submitted papers consist in novel contributions, which have not been previously published in other conference proceedings or journals, and belonging to one of the scientific themes of the conference.
  • Abstracts are intended as “extended abstracts” able to showcase the overall content of the study and they are strictly bounded to 3 pages, including any reference. A template for extended abstract can be downloaded with the button below.
  • This edition of the conference decided to use a Double Blind review process. Abstracts NEED TO BE SUBMITTED IN ANONYMOUS FORM. Please do not indicate authors’ names and affiliations, and try your best not to include any element that can make the reviewers guess the authorship (it is understood that reference to previous work could be needed in some cases). Abstracts that will not respect this requirement can be subject to rejection.
  • Please also ensure that you prepare a short text summary of up to 300 words of your abstract which you will be asked to enter during the submission process.
  • When submitting their abstract, authors have the possibility to candidate their study for oral or poster presentation. Submitting an abstract for oral presentation does not imply that your work, if accepted, will be orally presented. On the basis of the outcomes of the reviewing process and the number of received manuscripts, the proposal could be re-assigned to a poster presentation.
  • A full paper is required for any contribution, accepted either for oral or poster presentation.
  • The full paper limit is strictly 10 pages, including any reference.
  • Full papers shall be prepared according to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of “IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series” guidelines. A direct link to the Latex and Microsoft Word templates can be found in the button below.
  • All accepted papers will be published by IOP in the open-access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS).
  • Each Author can give up to two presentations live in Florence (either oral or poster).
  • TORQUE conferences adopt “no paper – no podium” and “no podium – no paper” policies.

Oral presentations (podium)

  • The time slot for each presentation is 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for Q&A. Please adjust the length of your speech and the number of slides to stay within the allowed time limit. Session chairs will strictly enforce the respect of the schedule.
  • The official language for the conference is English. No translation will be provided during the sessions.
  • A video projector and a PC will be available in all conference rooms. The use of personal laptops is not allowed.
  • Presentations must be in PDF or PowerPoint format. You are free to use your preferred formatting style, although a presentation template is provided HERE. Slides must be written in the English language, and must include the title of the paper and a complete list of authors with their respective affiliations.
  • Each presentation must be uploaded to the PC of the conference room well before the beginning of the session. Please avoid loading your slides just before your talk, because this will shorten the time available for your presentation. Bring your presentations on a USB memory stick. Staff will be present in the rooms at all times during the conference to help you loading and checking your presentation.
  • Please check when and where your presentation will take place. The continuously updated conference program will be available in the TORQUE2024 app.
  • Please make sure to be in your room well before your session starts and introduce yourself to the session chairperson before the beginning of the session. Please hand-in to the chairperson a written bulleted bio (no more than 3-4 short points). Please make sure that the chairperson knows how to pronounce your name correctly.


  • Please check when and where your poster presentation will take place. The continuously updated conference program will be available on the TORQUE2024 app. Presenters must be available next to their posters during the entire duration of their poster session to discuss their work with interested viewers.
  • Posters must be printed in portrait ISO A1 size. Any poster not complying with this indication will be removed. The poster must be written in English language and follow the provided template (TORQUE2024_poster_template.pptx). The provided color palette is just a recommendation and it is mandatory only for the header, footer and logos of the poster.
  • A 1-minute video pitching your poster should be prepared and uploaded together with the poster in *.pdf format on the TORQUE mobile app by May 20th.
  • Please print the poster and bring it with you to the conference. No printing services are provided on site.
  • Each poster has a pre-assigned location at the conference, identified by the corresponding Paper ID. Maps will be available on the mobile app and on-site to help you identify the location of your poster.
  • Authors are responsible for hanging their poster in the assigned location. Tape will be provided on-site. Please mount your poster well before the session(s), and do not remove it before you leave. Posters left up after the conference will be discarded. Staff will be available for assisting you in two timeslots: May 28th - 16:30-19:00 | May 29th - 8:30-9:40

Our poster guidelines (How to prepare your poster for TORQUE.pdf) will guide you step-by-step in the preparation of your poster. 

Torque 2024